Start your new business with Veromo and Start Lab and get to market in minutes. Start Lab Customers get 10% off the full price of any ABN, Sole Trader or Partnership Package or $50 off any of our Company Registration packages.

Simply apply the promo code listed below at checkout.

Click here to start your business search.


How it works.

Find your business name.

Use our NameFinder to check if your ideal business name, matching domain name and social media accounts are available in one swoop.

Choose your business structure.

Company, Partnership or Sole Trader? We guide you to the right business structure.

Complete the OnceForm in minutes.

A super simple one-form process takes care of all core business registrations in one swoop. Cinch!

Get started.
First, find your business name in seconds.

Search for your business and matching domain names in one swoop.

Or, just need an ABN?

Simple, we can register your Sole Trader ABN in minutes.  No Domains or business names are included when registering an ABN only.


Frequently asked questions.

What is a Sole Trader?

The sole trader structure is the simplest form of business structure where there is no division between business and personal assets. Most sole traders opt to trade under their own name although you can choose to register a business name.

Do I need an ABN?

If you are running a business you will need an ABN.

Do I need to register as a Company?

A company is a more complex legal entity whose existence is separate from its owners and managers. Possessing a legal status, a company has rights similar to that of a living person meaning that it can incur debt, sue and be sued. We strongly suggest obtaining professional advice before making this decision.

Do I have to register for GST?

If you estimate that you will earn over $75,000 per annum then yes you have to register and charge GST.

What is an ABN?

An ABN (Australian Business Number) is a unique 11 digit number issued by the ATO to all eligible entities. The ABN system works together with the GST and PAYG withholding system identifies your company to other businesses and various government agencies.

Am I running a business?

If your activity, as a whole, is commercial with an aim to make a profit then yes, you will be running a business.

What is an ACN?

An Australian Company Number (usually shortened to ACN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to every company registered under the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001 as an identifier.

Do I need a Business Name?

A business name is simply the name under which you want to conduct your business or want your customers to identify the business with. You must register a business name in Australia, unless you trade under your own name, or fall within an exemption.

Ready to get started?

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