• A record

    The A (Address) record is used to point your domain at an IP address (IPv4) of the computer hosting the domain.. To set it up, you will need an IP address from your hosting provider.

  • ABN

    An ABN (Australian Business Number) is a unique 11 digit number issued by the ATO to all eligible entities. You must have an ACN before you can apply for an ABN. A company’s ABN consists of their ACN with a 2 digit prefix. The ABN system works together with the GST and PAYG withholding system. 

    As a general rule of thumb, your ACN identifies your company, and an ABN identifies your company to other businesses and various government agencies (such as the ATO). 

  • ACN

    An Australian Company Number (usually shortened to ACN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to every company registered under the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001 as an identifier.


  • Agricultural Property

    Agricultural property is broadly defined as real property that is designated or permitted to undertake agricultural activity. Common examples of agricultural activity include the raising, harvesting of crops and breeding/managing livestock.

  • Amendment (waiver)

    A change to one of the terms of a contract.

  • Application Programming Interface (API)

    A document interface that allows software applications to interact with other applications. 

  • ASIC

    ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator, ensuring that Australia’s financial markets are fair, transparent and supported by confident and well-informed investors and consumers.

    Otherwise known as the corporate watchdog. They are the custodians of information and maintain a number of business and company registers. 

  • Asset

    An asset is anything of economic value owned by your business that is expected to be able to meet future debts and obligations. Another way you can ask yourself whether something is an asset is to ask yourself whether it is able to generate cash flow, reduce expenses or improve sales. 

  • Average Inventory

    Average inventory calculates the median value or number of goods within a specific time frame. The basic formula for this is:

    Average Inventory = (Current Inventory+ Previous Inventory) / 2